Throughout the years, NAGPS has conducted numerous campaigns to raise awareness and press for action on issues impacting graduate-professional students from around the country.
Empowered by the NAGPS Advocacy Platform and Legislative Platform, NAGPS regularly engages with emerging concerns through legislative letters, press releases and statements, and social media campaigns.
Former Campaigns
- Funding Graduate Education: An Investment in the Future – call to reinstate and increase funding to federal research agencies
- Grads Have Debt 2 – NAGPS-created campaign to inform and educate Members of Congress, and increase public awareness about graduate-professional student loan issues and the importance of addressing them
- Graduate-Professional Student Loans – call to lower student loan interest rates and reinstate in-school interest subsidy
- International Student Visa Reform: Stateside Processing – call to allow stateside processing of class F international student visa renewals
- Open Access to Federally-Funded Research: Increasing Innovation and Improving Education – call to support the Federal Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR) and the Affordable College Textbook Act
- OPT & H1B For You & Me – call to oppose legislation threatening OPT and H1B programs for international students and workers
- Rework the Reform – call to oppose harmful provisions in the Tax Cut & Jobs Act legislation in November/December of 2017
- Rewrite PROSPER – call to oppose provisions that would eliminate Public Student Loan Forgiveness and reduce federal loan options for graduate-professional students