Legislative Letters 3-9-20
The CDC has urged caution around universities’ foreign activities as a result of the spread of COVID-19; various branches of government are setting up mitigating measures in reaction to the…
Legislative Letters 2-24-20
Higher education policy news has not been slowing down, even with other new making headlines. Education Secretary Betsy Devos announced new regulations regarding sexual misconduct will be released soon. President…
Legislative Letters 8-5-19
The President has signed the spending cap deal, leaving Congress until October 1st to get all twelve appropriations bills (or continuing resolutions) on his desk or the government will shut…
Legislative Letters 6-24-19
Still no progress on coming to a spending cap deal, but the House isn’t waiting: They just passed their first minibus, which includes funding for education. The Senate, on the…
Legislative Letters 6-10-19
China’s ministry of education has warned students interested in studying in the U.S. about potential difficulties getting visas as many U.S.-Chinese research collaborations have become the focus of intensified scrutiny.…