Have you heard of TED Talks? Maybe you’ve seen Ignite sessions at other conferences before. Maybe you haven’t heard of either! IgniteNAGPS #research provides the platform to share your life-shaping experiences, passions, and unique perspectives on research, advocacy and other topics of interest. Whatever your topic is (as long as it’s PG-13 or lower and not a sales pitch), share it with us in a submission below.

These presentations:[list type=”circle_list”]

  • Are 5 minutes (no more, no less) in length. (Yes, you will get the boot)
  • You can prepare 20 slides using any tool you want to use, but it has to be timed and auto-progressed.
  • Read these tips to gain your bearings.
  • Summarize and capture your research in its absolute essence to engage the audience
  • Include only essential details for understanding — more depth should be saved for side conversations after the presentations[/list]

If you have questions, want to volunteer or just suck up to one of the judges please contact: Jason Striker, Director of Relations