Date(s) - 04/28/2017 - 04/30/2017
5:00 pm
Washington State University
2017 Western Regional Conference
Welcome to the 2017 West Regional Conference for the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS)! This event is scheduled for April 28-30, 2017 at Washington State University in Spokane, WA, and is hosted by the Graduate Professional Student Association(GPSA) at WSU.
This year in particular, the conference theme is Transitioning to the Future. The event will bring together graduate student leaders from across the Western US. The conference will focus on important aspects of leadership, advocacy and transition in graduate student government.
More information Coming Soon! In the meantime contact with questions on the event.
We have a room block at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Spokane Downtown for $99/night – use the code NAGPS and book by April 1st for the reduced rate. If you are flying into Spokane, you will arrive at the Spokane International Aiport, which is located ~15 minutes from WSU Spokane. You may take a rental car, taxi, or Uber ride from the airport to your hotel. Interested in being more involved in NAGPS? Why not start with a regional board position? Elections will be held during the regional business meeting for the following positions (full description of positions here): -Vice Chair During the business meeting of the conference, elections for regional board will take place. For each position, each candidate will get the chance to give a 3 minute “campaign speech” followed by question and answer session by the membership. Afterwards, a closed discussion and closed vote will determine who is elected. (NOTE: Regional Chair positions are elected at the National Conference). If you have any questions or want to run for a position but cannot attend the business meeting please contact the Western Regional Chair at Self-nominations are encouraged! If you are interested in hosting the 2018 Western Regional Conference, you must submit a letter of intent to the NAGPS Executive Committee ( AND Regional Chair ( before the regional conference, April 1, 2017. This letter shall provide two important elements: (1) approval of the graduate-professional student organization (GPSO) to host the regional conference; this can include approval from your GPSO, Dean, or Administrator, and (2) a named Director of Regional Conference to coordinate planning and volunteers of the regional conference (the Director must be a member of the host organization). After submitting the letter, you would present your bid proposal to the membership at the 2017 Regional Conference. Please limit your presentation to no more than 10 minutes and 10 slides. Click here for an example bid. The presentation shall include, but is not limited to: Time will be allotted for questions on each proposal. After all regional bid presentations have concluded, there may be a closed discussion followed by a vote of the membership. The majority vote of the regional membership will elect the host institution for the 2018 Regional Conference. Host institutions shall secure funding for the conference. It is the responsibility of the host school to lead fundraising efforts. All fundraising and other partners must be submitted to the Board of Directors, which reserves the right to reject any partnership. Host institutions shall adhere to the NAGPS Constitution, Bylaws, and Standard Operating Procedures. All approved written and verbal communications to host the conference are binding. For more information or questions, please contact the Vice President, Joseph Verrado at To promote NAGPS values and regional collaboration, we enthusiastically encourage all attending institutions to deliver at least one platform presentation. Please submit your abstract(s) to the 2017 NAGPS Southeast Regional Conference website under the “Submissions” tab at the bottom of the page (click here). Topics of particular interest include access/affordability of graduate education, graduate school funding, effective and visionary leadership training, employment concerns, social justice advocacy, national and international student needs, work-life-balance, and the importance of collaborative capital activism, volunteerism, and service. The deadline for submission is Friday, March 17, 2017. NAGPS regional conferences serve as a forum where student leaders from the region come together to share best practices, learn about national platforms, and grow in their understanding of issues relevant to graduate students in the Southeast. As such, we invite each school that will attend the conference to present for 30 minutes, about an issue relevant to graduate student government and graduate student life. Topics can be as varied as:
Travel Info
Airline Travel
Executive Board Elections
-Director of Outreach
-Director of Legislative Affairs
-Director of Communications & Administration
-Employment Concerns Chair
-Social Justice Chair
-International Student Concerns Chair
Bids for the 2018 Western Regional Conference
Call for Presentations
If you have any questions please contact Prajwal Paudyal by email at