jon-2Dr. Jon Kowalski is a recent graduate of the Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Technological Change (SETChange) program within the department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds a B.A. from Kettering University in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Engineering and an M.S. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include Firm and Industry Development of High-Tech Industries, Technological Business Strategy, Serial Entrepreneurs, Agglomerations through Spinoffs, and the Locus of Innovation in Developing Technologies.

During his term as President, Jon focused his efforts in three areas:


  • Increasing the value of NAGPS membership to both organizations and individuals

  • Decreasing the barriers of entry into NAGPS membership through developing member dues and profit sharing programs

  • Strengthening the regional organizations and events

During his tenure, Jon led NAGPS as the organization increased membership, launched new communication initiatives such as the Podcast and Blog, strengthened its advocacy efforts both in DC and on campuses across the country, and further promoted Graduate-Professional Student Appreciation Week.  Successful regional and national conferences as well as a full Board complement that was committed to serving graduate and professional students left the 2012 Board a strong organization to lead in the coming year.  It is his hope that this year’s Board of Directors will continue to build a stronger NAGPS for the future which can continue to work to increase the quality of life for graduate and professional students throughout the United States.

Prior to serving as NAGPS President & CEO, Jon served as the Director of Finance & CFO of NAGPS in 2010, working to implement new financial procedures in order to promote the long term fiscal stability of the organization.  In 2009, he served as the Vice President of the NAGPS Northeast region and served the Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Assembly as the Vice President of External Affairs in 2010.
