Founder & President Emeritus, Grad Resources

Started Grad Resources in 1990 after Commissioning a National Study on the Lifestyle of Graduate Students through Barna Research Group. 

  * 1994-1997  participated in the Grad…

Project Info

Founder & President Emeritus, Grad Resources

Started Grad Resources in 1990 after Commissioning a National Study on the Lifestyle of Graduate Students through Barna Research Group. 

  * 1994-1997  participated in the Grad Student Orientation at U T Austin as co-presenter (with Dr. Koons)          on Academic Integrity

 * 1994-2009 Grad Resources has assisted in promoting Grad Awareness Week in Texas and nationally with NAGPS

 * 1995-2002 as part of Grad Week, Grad Resources has co-sponsored a Faculty Appreciation Reception for TA’s and RA’s at U T Austin with the Graduate Student Assembly

 * 1997-2003 Presented Time Management Seminar at UC Berkeley for New Grad Student Orientation

 * 1999 Initiated the National Graduate Student Crisis-Line 877-GRAD-HLP 

* 2009-2020 Advisory Board for the National Association of Graduate & Professional Students

Author of several graduate student “Life Issues” articles available at

A graduate of American University (Washington, DC) with a degree in Political Science. Married with 3 children, living in Dallas, TX.

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