2013 Constitution and Bylaws Changes

Several changes were made to the NAGPS Constitution and Bylaws at the 2013 National Conference.  The membership approved the following four resolutions pertaining to the Constitution and Bylaws.  The changes are summarized below.

[list type=”circle_list”] [/list] [headline]Changes to the Director of Legislative Concerns and Legislative Concerns Committee[/headline] [list type=”circle_list”]
  • The Director of Legislative Concerns was added to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
  • The powers and duties of the Director of Legislative Concerns concerning changes to the Legislative Platform were clarified.  Changes to the Platform must be approved by the membership.
  • The Director of Legislative Concerns was added to the order of elections.
  • The definition of the Legislative Concerns Committee was moved to the section on Committees, with the Director of Legislative Concerns left as the Chair of the Legislative Concerns Committee.
[/list] [headline]Changes to the Vice President and Leadership Summit[/headline] [list type=”circle_list”]
  • The Leadership Summit was defined in the Bylaws as part of the Board of Directors’ duties, including directions for identifying and selecting a host organization.
  • The Vice President was put in charge of the content and planning of the Leadership Summit.
[/list] [headline]Changes to the Membership Year[/headline] [list type=”circle_list”]
  • The membership year will now start on September 1 and finish on August 31 of each year.
  • To compensate for the abbreviated 2013-2014 membership year, the 2014-2015 year’s dues will be prorated to account for time already paid for.

If you have any questions, please email office@nagps.org.